Gas | LPG Sample Introduction Module

SH/T, 0222, UOP, 936, 910, 989, ASTM, D6667, D7551, D3246

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The TSHR Gas and LPG Sampler, model GM 7000, is designed to introduce safe, accurate and reliable your Gas and LPG samples into the TSHR range of Combustion Elemental Analyzers for trace level total nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine analysis.

The GM 7000 sample introduction module is designed with 2 fast connectors to connect a Gas or LPG sample cylinder easy and safe towards the sampling valve of the GM 7000, with a fixed volume for automatic sample introduction into the TSHR 6000- and 7000 Series TN/TS/TX Analyzer.

The GM 7000 is equipped with one sample loop with a volume of 10 mL for gas and one loop with 100 uL for liquefied gas (LPG) samples, which have multiple automatic injections capabilities.

After the pressurized sample cylinder is connected to the sample introduction port of the GM 7000 the user just press the start button in the Athena software to start the analysis. A customer calibration line can be prepared easily and support routine Gas and LPG analyses.


ISO OEM 17025 Certified

ISO 17025

Our Service Center has been ISO Accredited for Competence of Calibration.


1-3 Days Service Turn Around


We are please to offer our 1-3-day service turn around from our Ayalytical Service department.


Application Support


We are pleased to offer our expertise in various disciplines including Physical Properties, Elemental and Compositional.


Dedicated Support Lines


We are pleased to offer our On-Site trainings and service calls for our Ayalytical partners.