Aquamax KF PRO OIL

High-performance titrator for water content analysis in oils.

Key Features:

    • Precise and repeatable water content measurement.
    • User-friendly software with data logging.
    • Suitable for a wide range of oil types.
    • Durable and easy-to-maintain design.
    • Compliant with industry standards.
ISO, 10101-3, 12937, 10337, IP, 356, 358, 438, ASTM, D1533, D4928, D6304, D7933, D7995

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The gas extraction is the ideal method to detect moisture in oil samples and viscous substances. For this analysis, the Oil Module is combined with the Basic Module of AQUA 40.00.

Trace amounts of water can be measured with the special heating chamber for oils. The sample has no contact with the reagent. Therefore the consumption of reagent is low.

Using an appropriate syringe, oil sample is injected through the septum into heating oven without a contamination of device. It is possible to apply sample volumes from 0.01 up to
20 mL depending on water content.

The sample can be heated out with temperature program or isothermal heating. The measurement is carried out in the measuring cell with titration method according to Karl Fischer. After analysis, the used oil sample flows out through a valve.

With closed-loop carrier gas circulation, any additional gas drying is no longer necessary: the carrier gas is continually titrated to dryness within the closed loop. The total dryness of the gas enhances the moisture desorption from the sample. Moreover, sensitive samples can be heated out very gently. Degradations and side reactions are eliminated.

You can distinguish between various types of bonded water when you use heating with temperature program.Request a quote for this oil module online.




Test standards
Applications Analysis of liquefied gases:
Propane, propene, butane, butene, butadiene
Ethylene oxide
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, e. g. methylene chloride,ethylene chloride, vinyl chloride
Refrigerants: halogenated hydrocarbons
***Analysis of permanent gases, e. g. natural gas,technical gases and mixtures of test gases
Measuring method Coulometric Titration
Sample Pressurized gas sample (LNG, LPG)
Sample cylinder 0.5 liter pressurized bottle or directly from the gas line
Pressure reducer Internal (with heating element )
Sample loop 500 ml (gas)
Rinsing and dosing 0…15 steps for each, adjustable
Type of result μg, ppm (gas volume) by using the formula generator
Measuring range 1 … 10,000 ppm
Resolution 0.1 ppm.
Detection limit 1 ppm
Car adapter 12 V
Dimensions 38 x 45 x 20 cm (L x H x D)
Weight 8 kg

ISO OEM 17025 Certified

ISO 17025

Our Service Center has been ISO Accredited for Competence of Calibration.


1-3 Days Service Turn Around


We are please to offer our 1-3-day service turn around from our Ayalytical Service department.


Application Support


We are pleased to offer our expertise in various disciplines including Physical Properties, Elemental and Compositional.


Dedicated Support Lines


We are pleased to offer our On-Site trainings and service calls for our Ayalytical partners.