Gasoline module (ASTM D5845, D6277; correlation to ASTM D2699, D2700, D86, D323,

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Gasoline module (ASTM D5845, D6277; correlation to ASTM D2699, D2700, D86, D323, D5191, D4052)
Absorption cell (20 m) and software package for a comprehensive gasoline analysis in combination with ES01 ERASPEC FTIR analyzer base unit.
The Gasoline module allows for the measurement of > 30 parameters of gasoline as well as for the determination of several important fuel properties, like Octane numbers and Distillation points within 60 seconds only.

) 10 Oxygenates acc. to ASTM D5845
) 14 Aromatics and Benzene (ASTM D6277 EN 238)
) Octane boosters like MMT & CMT (repeatability: 20 mg/l; LLD: 35 mg/l), Manganese (r: 5 mg/l; LLD: 9 mg/l), DCPD, Nitromethane, etc.
) Total parameters: Aromatics, Oxygen, Olefins, Di-Olefins and Saturates
) Octane numbers: RON, MON, AKI
) Distillation and Evaporation fractions: IBP, T10, T50, T65, T85, T90, T95, FBP, E200, E300
) RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure), DVPE, VOC prediction
) Calculation of Driveability Index and Vapor Lock Index


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