Eradens X
15 sec (after temperature equilibration)
15.5 x 26 x 28 cm
Industry-proven 8.4 multilingual color touchscreen

FillingProof TM– automated bubble detection and bubble quantification
Testing Methods
EPA 1664A, EPA 9071B, ASTM D3921, ASTM D4281, ASTM D7066, ASTM D7678, DIN 38409-H18, EN 14039, ISO ISO9377-1

Eravap w/Density
5 minutes for standard measurement
22 x 32 x 28 cm
Industry-proven 8.4 multilingual color touchscreen
Automated via built in piston, no external vacuum pump required
FillingProof TM– automated bubble detection and bubble quantification
Testing Methods
ASTM D5188, D5191, D6377, D6378, D6897 excellent correlation to D323, D4953, D5190, D5482, D1267, EN13016-1 & EN13016-2, IP394, IP409, IP481, JIS K2258-2, SHT 0769, GOST 52340

Eraspec w/Density
30 seconds for standard measurement
22 x 32 x 28 cm
Industry-proven 8.4 multilingual color touchscreen
Directly from the sample container by an integrated pump
FillingProof TM– automated bubble detection and bubble quantification
Testing Methods
ASTM D5845, ASTM D6277, ASTM D7777,
ASTM D7806, EN 238, EN 14078, ISO
15212, IP 559

Eravisc X
15 sec (after temperature equilibration)
15.5 x 26 x 28 cm
Industry-proven 8.4 multilingual color touchscreen

FillingProof TM– automated bubble detection and bubble quantification
Testing Methods
Viscosity: Correlation to ASTM D445, D7042, ISO 3104, ISO 23581
Density: ASTM D4052, D5002, ISO 12185

Eradens XS
15 sec (after temperature equilibration)
11 x 13 x 16 cm
Mobile instrument operation with the eralytics app ‘eradens xs’

Testing Methods
ASTM D4052, D5002, ISO 12185