Diesel fuel module for ERASPEC OIL (correlation to ASTM D613, D976, D86)
Absorption cell (100 m) and software package for a comprehensive Diesel fuel analysis in combination with EO01 ERASPEC OIL FTIR analyzer base unit.
The Diesel fuel module allows for the direct measurement of Cetane Improver, Poly Nuclear Aromatics and Total Aromatics as well as of FAME (Biodiesel) concentration according to ASTM D7806-12. Additionally several important Diesel fuel properties, like Cetane Number, Cetane Index and Distillation points are determined in 1 minute only.
) Total Aromatics
) Polynuclear Aromatics (PNA)
) Cetane number
) Cetane Index
) Distillation fractions: IBP, T10, T50, T85, T90, T95, FBP
Biodiesel (ASTM D7806-12)
) FAME concentration