Advanced oil analyzer for comprehensive elements and wear metal analysis. 

Key Features:

  • Detailed analysis of 32 elements
  • Rapid results within 30 seconds
  • Portable and easy-to-use design, suitable for various oil types
  • Very high accuracy and automated process
  • Complies with JOAP and many other standards
ASTM, D6728, D6595

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Introducing the ERAOIL: High-Precision Elemental Analysis for Oil Condition Monitoring

The ERAOIL is a state-of-the-art Rotating Disc Electrode Optical Emission Spectrometer (RDE-OES) specifically designed for the precise elemental analysis of lubricating, fuels, coolants and different types of oils. This high-performance device is essential for oil condition monitoring (OCM) in various applications, including industrial machinery, transportation fleets, and military equipment. The ERAOIL ensures accurate detection and quantification of wear metals, additives, and contaminants, providing critical data to optimize scheduled maintenance, prevent equipment failures, and ensure compliance with industry standards such as ASTM D6595, ASTM D6728, JOAP, and it is correlated to ASTM D5185.

The ERAOIL is unique in its combination of high precision, speed, and reliability, making it an invaluable tool for Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM). It operates on the principle of RDE-OES, where a spark generated between two graphite electrodes excites atoms in the sample, leading them to emit light at specific wavelengths. This light is then analyzed to determine the elemental composition of the sample. With a compact design of 36 x 66 x 69 cm (14 x 26 x 27 in) and weighing 85 kg (187.4 lb), the ERAOIL is designed for durability and ease of use.

One of the standout features of the ERAOIL is its efficiency and ease of use. The device can analyze up to 32 elements simultaneously within just 30 seconds, using a minimal sample volume of 2 ml. It features a built-in electrode sharpener, and requires no sample preparation, making it ideal for both laboratory and field environments. The ERAOIL’s fully integrated design includes a 10” color touchscreen interface, internal PC with Microsoft Windows, and multiple connectivity options (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, HDMI), ensuring seamless integration into any operational workflow.

Applications of the ERAOIL Include:
Monitoring wear metals in lubricants to predict and prevent machinery failures in a compact design
Quality control of additives in fresh oils and base oils with no sample preparation requirement
Highly accurate analysis of contaminants in fuels, including gas turbine and diesel engine fuels
Fast elemental analysis of coolants and process water in industrial applications

Key Measuring Parameters:
32 key elements: Measurement range of 0.2 ppm to 1000 ppm

The ERAOIL comes with a comprehensive 1-year warranty, with an option to extend coverage for an additional year upon agreement to the manufacturer’s terms.
For more information or to request a quote, please click here.
For other oil condition monitoring (OCM) related devices see the ERASPEC OIL or ERACOUNT XS.


features__astm compliantEraoil is fully compliant with ASTM D6595, and ASTM 6728 and correlated to ASTM D5185 providing both standard method and refined methodology.
features__simple operatonAll eralytics analyzers use an intuitive menu structure that is easy to navigate. Samples need no prior preparation and measurements are done fully automated.
A direct out-of-the-box connection to LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is established with a standard Ethernet cable.No extra software or PC are necessary.
features__portableThe Eralytics units are all lightweight and built with an integrated carrying handle, they are versatile and ideally suited for mobile applications as well.
features__touch screenAll Eralytics analyzer results are displayed immediately after the test on their large and user-friendly color touch screen.


The following accessories are recommended for purchase in sequential order (see eStore):

1st Year: No spare parts are required
2nd Year: Sampling tube with Luer connector
Disposable sampling tube with Luer connector (100 pcs)
Disposable sampling tube with Luer connector (25 pcs)
Mesh inlet filter 80µ (5 pcs)
Teflon o-ring for EV01-A002a Mesh inlet filter 80µ
Protective film for touch display (5 pcs)
Stylus for data entry via touch display
Remaining Parts:


Available test methods ASTM D6595, ASTM D6728 and JOAP
Correlation to ASTM D5185 (ICP-AES)
Spectrometer type Rotating Disc Electrode Spectrometer (190 – 810nm)
Thermally stabilized Paschen-Runge mounting with CMOS detectors
Applications Determination of additives, wear metals, and contaminants in lubricating oils,
hydraulic fluids, gas turbine & diesel engine fuel, heavy fuel oil (HFO), crude oil,
glycol coolants, process water, mineral water, and grease
Analytical Range Simultaneous measurement of up to 32 elements in 30 seconds with a sub-ppm detection limit (LOD) for most elements incl. automatic background correction
Calibration Factory calibrated for 26 elements
Optional calibration for up to 32 elements
Sample Volume 2 mL; no solvents, reagents or gases are needed, no cleaning of cell window
Operating Conditions 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Up to 90% humidity, non-condensing
Fully Integrated Stand-Alone Design Built-in electrode sharpener and ventilation system
Industry-proven multilingual 10” color touchscreen
Built-in PC with Ethernet, USB, and RS232 interfaces
Optional connection of a monitor and data input by external keyboard, mouse, or barcode reader
Software Windows® software for convenient data transfer, viewing spectra, and result analysis
Result Database Over 100,000 detailed test reports and spectra storable in internal memory
Dimensions W x D x H = 36 x 66 x 69 cm (14.2 x 25 x 27 in)
Weight 85 kg (187 lb)
Power Requirements 90 – 270 V, AC 50/60 Hz, 500 W
Recommended Consumables for 1000 Tests EOL01 – A001 graphite discs (1000 pcs)
EOL01 – A002 graphite electrodes (100 pcs)
EOL01 – A003 2 ml sample cups (1000 pcs)


Download our brochure for more details



ISO OEM 17025 Certified

Our Service Center has been ISO Accredited for Competence of Calibration.


1-3 Days Service Turn Around


We are please to offer our 1-3-day service turn around from our Ayalytical Service department.


Application Support


We are pleased to offer our expertise in various disciplines including Physical Properties, Elemental and Compositional.


Dedicated Support Lines


We are pleased to offer our On-Site trainings and service calls for our Ayalytical partners.