Cleveland-COC Flash and Fire Point Apparatus

ASTM, D92, IP, 36, ISO, 2592, EN, 22592, DIN, 51 376

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The versatile design of Ayalytical Instruments Cleveland-COC Flash and Fire Point apparatus guaranteescompliance with ASTM D92, DIN 51 376, EN 22592, IP 36, and ISO 2592, for determining flash and firepoints via Cleveland open-cup test methods. This flash and fire point apparatus is ideal for use with all petroleum-basedproducts with flash points between 79-400C, with the exception of fuel oils.

The simple-to- operate Cleveland-COC apparatus is available in four models to meet all your testingneeds:

Model 880 Cleveland with manual passing on the cup

Model 890 Cleveland with automatic passing on the cup, as controlled via internal timer

Model 880/SEM Cleveland semi-automatic

Model 880/AUT Cleveland automatic with automatic flash point sensor and atmospheric pressuresensor

Built to last, all models feature a smooth anti-acid epoxidic coat, preventing corrosive damage overtime. Samples are heated quickly and steadily via electronic regulator, ensuring optimal testingprocedures in compliance with multiple aforementioned regulations. All models come equipped withcalibrated brass test cup, gas ignition device with pivot function for adjustment during flame application,and pincers for maintenance of thermometer positioning. This open-cup instrument is easilytransportable, making it ideal for safe use in the field as well as the laboratory.


ISO OEM 17025 Certified

ISO 17025

Our Service Center has been ISO Accredited for Competence of Calibration.


1-3 Days Service Turn Around


We are please to offer our 1-3-day service turn around from our Ayalytical Service department.


Application Support


We are pleased to offer our expertise in various disciplines including Physical Properties, Elemental and Compositional.


Dedicated Support Lines


We are pleased to offer our On-Site trainings and service calls for our Ayalytical partners.